Information pursuant to Sect.5 german digital services ACT (DDG)
API Schmidt-Bretten GmbH Co. KG
Langenmorgen 4
75015 Bretten
Commercial Register: HRA 240378
Registration court: Mannheim
Represented by:
Amtsgericht Mannheim HRA 240378
General partner:
API Schmidt-Bretten Verwaltung GmbH, Sitz: Bretten
Managing Director: Hans Traas
USt.-IB No. DE 190559603
Tax-No. 30040 / 10558
AEO Certificate No.: AEOF 116703
DUNS-No. 5375 9292 5
Phone: +49 7252 53-0
Telefax: +49 7252 53-200
Sales tax identification number according to Sect. 27 a of the Sales Tax Law:
DE 190559603
Dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings in front of a consumer arbitration board.
API Schmidt-Bretten GmbH & Co. KG provides you with this whistleblower system
API Schmidt-Bretten GmbH & Co. KG
Langenmorgen 4
75015 Bretten
To ensure ethically impeccable and legal compliance behavior of our organization, we have established an internal reporting office in accordance with §§ 12 – 18 HinSchG in the form of this whistleblower system. This serves the purpose of investigating and preventing violations.
All employees as well as our business partners (suppliers, customers, etc.) have the opportunity here to report violations of laws, the code of conduct, and guidelines.
On this secure whistleblower page, you can submit a new report. Please use the following link You can also reach the Internal Reporting Office by phone through the law firm THALES Rechtsanwälte at +49 (0) 931 – 46599018
Design and Technical Implementation
Leadpeak® – eine Marke der Homepage Lieferanten GmbH
Authorized Representatives:
Reemt Windmann, Norma Jeising
Magdalene Schoch Street 5
97074 Würzburg
Phone Number: 0931 80 99 88 99