Resource center for
API Schmidt-Bretten products.

Looking for more-thorough information on our heat transfer solutions? You’ve come to the right place. Here you’ll find brochures and technical documents for all our products.


SIGMADUAL – Module-welded plate heat exchanger

Dealcoholization – With SIGMATEC technology it is possible to dealcoholize a diverse range of alcoholic products.

Evaporator Brochure – Our Schmidt evaporization systems with SIGMASTAR® Climbing-film Plate Evaporators are used in

Gedichtete Plattenwärmeübertrager für die Stromerzeugung.

Pasteurizer Brochure

Heaters, coolers and pasteurizers for the food and beverage industry.



SIGMA plate heat exchangers are recognized world-wide for quality and reliability in thermal

SIGMA Gedichtete Plattenwärmeübertrager


SIGMA Plattenwärmetauscher

Our SIGMA plate heat exchangers offer industry leading solutions for a variety of thermal process


Skid mounted thermal systems.


Plate evaporator technology with mechanical vapor recompression.

System Solutions for Evaporating Technology

SIGMASTAR® and SIGMAVAP plate evaporators are being utilized successfully in various branches

Turnkey Solutions for Nonalcoholic Beer & Wine

Turnkey Solutions for Nonalcoholic Cider


API Heat Transfer – Corporate Overview

Food and Beverage

Heat transfer solutions and evaporation systems for the food and beverage industry.

Formula For Success

Heat transfer solutions for process applications.

Power Generation

Heat transfer solutions for power generation.


API Wickelt Einen Kritischen Auftrag Ab

Für zwei Wärmeübetrager in einer Prozesskühler-Anwendung (Batch-Heizung)

Dare Foods

Als die Rohrwärmeübertrager und Kessel von Dare Foods zu versagen begannen,

Schlüsselfertige Lösungen für alkoholfreies Bier und Wein

Gesundheitstrends und Millennials treiben die Nachfrage nach alkoholfreiem Bier

Two Roots Brewing Co.

Two Roots Brewing Co. entalkoholisiert Bier mit dem Vakuumdestillationssystem


Quality Management System

DIN EN ISO 9001:2015

Quality Assurance System

PED 2014/68/EU Annex III, Module H

Quality Assurance System

PED 2014/68/EU Annex III, Module H1

ASME-Certificate for Bretten facility

“Certificate of Authorization – Manufacture of Pressure Vessels”


Individual solutions. Sustainable efficiency.

Contact API Schmidt-Bretten